EVENTS- Clinics/ Workshops

Upcoming events are listed below. Please email for further details on [email protected].



RIDER WORKSHOP– Saturday 11 January 11am- 1pm

These fun, interactive workshops have proved very popular. Find out how rider asymmetry affects your horse, how to identify your own asymmetries and how to address them.

A fun, interactive, unmounted workshop for all levels of Rider, run by ACPAT reg Chartered Physiotherapist specialising in Horse/ Rider Performance.

Do you feel/ are told you are crooked when you ride?
Do you feel one leg is shorter than the other in the saddle?
Do you struggle to keep your horse straight- do they always fall in/ out on one rein?
Do you experience back/ hip pain when you ride?

  • Learn how Rider Health & Fitness can affect yours and your horse’s performance
  • How can your position and posture influence your horse’s movement?
  • Find out how you can assess your asymmetries and how to address them
  • Learn exercises to help improve strength, balance and stability in the saddle

£30 per person
Max 10 attendees
Min age 14 yes (Bespoke sessions can be arranged for younger riders- please get in touch to discuss).

Discounts off Rider Performance Biomechanics Assessment for attendees

RIDER REBOOT COURSE– commences Wednesday 15 January 7pm

Are you ready for the new season?
Want a head start to boost your performance in the New Year?
Does your fitness need a boost following the festive season?

Why not join the Rider Reboot Course?

A six week programme of Physiotherapy led exercise classes aimed at helping to improve Rider position & effectiveness in the saddle.

Exercises are aimed at improving strength, flexibility and balance as well as enhancing awareness of your asymmetries in the saddle.

Fun classes in small groups- max of 6.
Minimum age 16 ( Classes can be arranged for juniors if required- please get in touch to discuss).

Cost £78

RIDER EXERCISE CLASS- Every Wednesday 10.30- 11.30am

A fun class for all levels, aiming to address asymmetries & improve your position & effectiveness in the saddle.

Small class size- maximum 6

£56 per calendar month


Canine Injury Prevention Workshops– dates tba

Fun, educational workshops to help keep your canine companions injury free and avoid those expensive vets Bill’s.

Email [email protected] for further information of workshops/ if you would like to receive notification of when dates have been finalised, or keep any eye on our facebook page.