EVENTS- Clinics/ Workshops

Upcoming events are listed below. Please email for further details on [email protected].


27 July Rider Biomechanics Clinic– Berefield Farm, Pound Lane, Sherfield English

Crookedness and imbalance in the rider can result in pain and discomfort as well as adversely affecting your horse’s comfort and performance.
45 minute session to include

  • Assessment on horse using a Visualize jacket and video feedback.
  • Off horse assessment to check for postural/muscle imbalance with any necessary adjustments
  • Reassessment on horse to ascertain improvement
  • Plan of how to improve posture and straightness in the rider, including individual, problem specific exercises.
  • Discount on follow up Physiotherapy treatment sessions/ Rider posture sessions
    Run by experienced ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapist (specialising in human musculoskeletal injuries and conditions as well as treatment for animals), also holds BHS Intermediate teaching certificate.

£70 per person payable at time of booking. Book via

Rider Workshop– dates tba

These fun, interactive workshops have proved very popular. Find out how rider asymmetry affects your horse, how to identify your own asymmetries and how to address them.

Canine Injury Prevention Workshops– dates tba

Fun, educational workshops to help keep your canine companions injury free and avoid those expensive vets Bill’s.

22 September & 29 September

West Wellow, nr Romsey


Do you take part in sporting activities such as agility, flyball or canicross with your dog or would like to start? Or enjoy walking/ hiking with your dog?

The workshop will provide information and show you ways that you can help your dog optimise performance whilst reducing risk of injury.

Max 6 per group.
Dogs should be free from injury/ disease & not receiving current treatment for musculoskeletal conditions. Minimum age 9 mths.

£35 per dog/ handler

For booking/queries

Tel 07914 822013
Email [email protected]

Email [email protected] for further information of workshops/ if you would like to receive notification of when dates have been finalised, or keep any eye on our facebook page.